Here’s the link. I spoke to the taper “JT/NY” after the show and thanked him for all the work he puts into this. It’s a mutual appreciation society – the tapers thank the bands who allow them to do the thing they enjoy.
The otherwise “we’re just here for the drinks” crowd further away from the stage got noticeably more and more into the show starting with Scott’s solo on “Joey”. It’s great to sit further back every now and then and just listen. The folks behind us started with the usual “her voice sounds like” comparisons and idle chit chat. Later in the show they were on their feet. Final quotes from the newbies: “Awesome, Just unbelievable, wow, incredible”. I’d like to point out that they were sober.
My five year old, attending his first rock concert, got to go back backstage, meet the band, crew and assorted parents and give Grace a sarcastic eye roll. Sweet!
1) Intro.
2) Some Kind Of Ride
3) Medicine
4) Joey
5) Toothbrush and My Table
6) Big White Gate
7) 2:22
8) Com Into My Kitchen
9) If I Was From Paris
10) Ah Mary
11) Stop the Bus
12) Apologies
13) Mastermind
14) Sweet Hands
15) Encore Break
16) Nothing But The Water