This posted started as a lame verbal pun but after watching this killer video I have now discovered what clearly should be the next GPN cover song. I mean, it’s got it all right? Multiple drum solos! Near masturbatory dual guitar solos! Plus, the dude in the white pants next to the drummer? What does he do in the band? Dance? I think I might have caught him singing along there in the last twenty seconds but still. GPN, if you decide to do this, I’ll volunteer to be that dude on stage with you. We’re still looking for biker chicks.
All of which is a long winded way of saying. Grace Potter and the Nocturnals have been booked to play BamaJam June 4-6 in Enterprise, AL according to this article. If you’re a planner, you might want to get this on your schedule now. GPN are scheduled for Thursday evening the 4th.