According to an interview in the Cleveland Free Times which may be, you know, a joke. If you want to hear the song they are referring to – you could do worse than to look in that music player over on the right hand side.

You’ve written some fairly serious songs, but you’ve got a reputation for being something of a wiseass. Are you holding back on the wiseass songs?

No, they’re coming. I’m like a stork, flying with all my wiseass comments. They’ll be delivered soon.

In that vein, I’d read that you wanted to bring your labelmate Hilary Duff into a session to record a song called “Piss on Your Hand.” When the hell is that song coming out?

We recorded it for the record; it is on some weird B-side in Japan. It’s a great song, but I realized that Ween had a song called “Piss Up a Rope,” and I didn’t know that when I wrote the song. I can’t release it because it appears to be derivative although it isn’t at all. I wrote the song because we were all peeing in cups in a van. It’s a foul story, but I’m going to tell you anyway. Sometimes when you’re late for a show, there’s no time to pull over and everybody’s on a different pee clock so there’s nothing to be done but pee in a cup. The punch line of the song is “a little piss on your hand is a small price to pay for relief.” We still play it live once in awhile.

I think you still have a shot with this song.

Yeah, it’s gonna be a hit. Me and Rihanna are gonna do it at the Grammys next year. Timbaland will produce it. It’ll be great.

Nice quote to open the article as well . . .

There’s no way Potter should have evolved this far as a singer-songwriter and performer in a mere 26 years, and it’s equally unlikely that any artist could produce an album as timeless and exquisitely powerful as 2007’s This Is Somewhere. Her band, the Nocturnals, exhibit a dynamic range and emotional depth made even more impressive by their ability to sustain it over an entire album.